Medical Device

Micro Endoscope

Endoscope and method comprise a micro endoscope with insertion end that is about 1-2 millimeters in outer diameter and includes an optical fiber image bundle, two optical laser fibers, two illumination source optical fiber bundles, along with three focusing lenses for image bundle and laser fibers. Insertion end may be inserted in a female milk duct, other body cavity, or internal organ to inspect for cells and lesions.

Mammary Ductoscopy is a recent advance enabling direct visualization and sampling of human mammary ducts using a micro endoscope.

Early experience with Ductoscopy in patients with nipple discharge undergoing surgery has been rewarding. Ductoscopy was feasible in 92% of patients.

Introducing the WHA Breast Endoscopy system that employs advanced micro endoscopes and optical technology to give physicians sharp images of the milk ducts where the majority of breast cancer arise. Physicians can clearly see the boundary between healthy and abnormal tissue.

The majority of pre malignant and malignant changes in the breast arise from the epithelium lining the duct lobular unit, and access to this region by Ductoscopy has the potential to revolutionize breast cancer diagnosis and treatment.

The ability to sample ductal epithelium may allow identification of early malignant and pre-malignant cytological changes and assist surgical excision, facilitating diagnosis of non palpable cancer before detection on current imaging modalities.

Proviva Pharma